Nubia Scale Studios was founded in 2024 by myself Anubis (aka Jimmy Stewart) I am 27 years old and I was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. My ultimate goal for a Nubia Scale Studios is to improve the environment around me and my neighbors. I want to accomplish this by donating a portion of profits to local and neighboring charities, Specifically charities within Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois. Michigan is my home, Obviously, but my beautiful Mom and a lot of my awesome Family were born and raised there as well. My father is from Chicago Illinois and I found so many wonderful friends who became family in Ohio. I take it upon myself to become as prosperous as possible and help the ones around me as well. To put it simply teamwork makes the dream work, If we all collectively help ourselves while simultaneously helping those around us way more people are looked after than whats currently being accomplished. We can generate a lot of peace and inspire our young to do the same or go further but it starts individually this is only the beginning of my part on what I wish to contribute to the communities.
Future plans down the line consist of owning a Laboratory/Warehouse where I can create my Aviation Projects as well as massive Art Pieces. Plans for the record labels is simple recruit and promote talent, this is similar plans to my Gallery but unlike my Record Label my Gallery will have Charity events where all the profits of specific paintings are donated to local or neighboring charities. Finally with my Jewelry, I plan to simultaneously have brick and mortar locations where you can purchase traditional Silver, Platinum, and Gold Jewelry as well.
Peace and Love to all Thank You for your support!!